Cake Baking Tins for Sale

Cheap, high quality, cake baking tins for sale in Kenya. We deliver for free within Nairobi.


Baking is truly a delicate art. It is important to get the right mixture, temperature, among other factors. And for this, you need the right equipment. In fact, cake baking tins are essential to any bakery, and perhaps your home or commercial kitchen.

About the Cake Baking Tins

Our tins are made out of high quality steel, ideal for oven baking. Furthermore, they are very durable and will not deform, regardless of the high baking temperatures.

We can supply individual pieces for homes and small scale businesses, or bulk orders for large bakeries, schools, restaurants and other types of commercial kitchens. Furthermore, we can customize the baking tins to meet specific requirements in terms of shape and size.

Free delivery within Nairobi for bulk orders

Jua Kali Products is the most convenient place to find cheap, durable, baking equipment and oven pans in Kenya – online.