Cupcake Baking Trays for Sale (16 Pc & 24 Pc)

Cheap, high quality, cupcake baking trays for sale in Kenya. We deliver for free within Nairobi.


Who doesn’t love cupcakes? They are small and delicious, making them a great snack. No wonder they are so popular. A bakery is therefore not complete without a proper baking set. In addition to this, the set has to include good cupcake baking trays.

About the Cupcake Baking Trays

The baking trays can be made out of zinc, aluminum or galvanized steel. All are highly efficient, and ideal for any oven. Furthermore, they come in different variations to suit varying needs. There are 16 pc trays and 24 pc trays.

Jua Kali Products is the most convenient place to find cheap, high quality tins, trays and other baking equipment in Kenya – online. We deliver for free within Nairobi.