Roasted chicken is a dish you will find on almost any proper restaurant’s menu. It is quite invigorating and goes really well with other foods such as fries or bhajia. In fact, if you have ever walked through Nairobi town while hungry then you can probably attest to this. The aroma of roasted chicken and fries fills the air, and then you see the delicious-looking chicken spinning around in the rotisserie oven. It almost physically pulls you toward the restaurant.
About the Chicken Roaster/Rotisserie Oven
It is locally made from high quality, stainless steel and glass. This enables it to cook in a safe, hygienic way while keep an eye on the food. It’s design contains and circulates the heat evenly, while the rod slowly spins.
It is very easy to operate and clean. You can control the power and temperature using couple of switches and a knob. In addition to this, we can custom build your roaster to fit specific requirements.
Jua Kali Products is the most convenient place to find cheap, high quality cooking equipment in Kenya – online. We deliver for free within Nairobi.